Author Archives: MarxDesignStudio

Keeping Patients Relaxed With Sedation Dentistry

Keeping Patients Relaxed With Sedation Dentistry Featured Image - Dahlquist Dental

If you’re anxious about dental appointments, experience dental sensitivity, or you’re in need of numerous or advanced dental treatments, the thought of undergoing procedures with only local anesthesia may be anxiety inducing. Take a deep breath and find a dentist who offers dental sedation. When most people think of sedation, what they imagine is general […]

Managing Diabetes is managing your Oral Health

Diabetes is an aggressive disease that affects the overall health of your body. A 40 year study from Duke University published its findings that diabetic patients have two times more tooth loss than those that do not have the disease. Lead researcher Bei Wu makes note, “Foot care and eye care are on the top of their agenda, but dental […]

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are strong and light weight screw like structures that are composed predominately of titanium. Titanium is a biologically friendly material that allows implants to integrate with the surrounding bone. Implants can be placed in the upper and lower jaws that offer a more natural solution to tooth loss. Replacing a tooth consist of three parts: the […]

The Difference Between Whitening & Bleaching

It is the perception that whiter teeth make you look younger. There are many ways one can brighten his/her smile. A common question asked is, what is the difference between whitening and bleaching? explains it best, “According to the FDA, the term “bleaching” is permitted to be used only when the teeth can be […]